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Table 2 Average and maximal contributions (in percent) of the different taxonomic groups to the functional diversity of ECM communities in Humont (Table 2a) and Champenoux (Table 2b)

From: Secreted enzymatic activities of ectomycorrhizal fungi as a case study of functional diversity and functional redundancy

  1. The color of each table cell depends on the contribution of each ECM species or each group of ECM species to the FD (white low contribution; dark high contribution)
  2. The contribution to the FD was calculated as the percentage of FD lost when the species was omitted from the community in the dataset
  3. The contributions have been calculated for each date and each replicate
  4. Here, we present the average contribution of each species or group of species in each plot (Humont: average contribution in each plot: Beech Limed, Beech Untreated, Spruce Limed, Spruce Untreated, for mixed three sampling dates and four replicates) or in each horizon (Champenoux: average contribution in each of the two soil horizons for mixed 15 sampling dates)
  5. The average contribution for the whole sampling season, as well as the maximal punctual contribution recorded (in a specific sample at a specific date), are also presented
  6. A t test was performed on the contributions of ECM species between limed and untreated plots (Humont) and between horizons 1 and 2 (Champenoux).
  7. Significant differences (p < 0.05) are indicated with an asterisk