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Table 3 Metrics derived from PALS

From: Synergistic use of very high-frequency radar and discrete-return lidar for estimating biomass in temperate hardwood and mixed forests

PALS metric


ha, hc

Mean height, all hits and canopy hits

stdal, stdc

Standard deviation, all hits and canopy hits

skal, skc

Skewness, all hits and canopy hits

kal, kc

Kurtosis, all hits and canopy hits

hqal, hqc

Quadratic mean canopy height, all hits and canopy hits

p10, p20, …p100

Percentile heights, all hits

pc10, pc20, …pc100

Percentile heights, canopy hits

  1. Similar set of metrics were developed for height derived from first, second, third, and all returns of scanning lidar. A canopy hit is a pulse with a height ≥ 3 m