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Table 3 Example of software used for point cloud reconstruction

From: The use of terrestrial LiDAR technology in forest science: application fields, benefits and challenges


AutoStem (TreeMetrics Ltd.)a

PolyWorks (InnovMetric Inc.)b

FARO Scene (FARO)c

Leica Cyclone (Leica Geosystems)d

Software type

Point cloud processing software dedicated to forestry

Retro-engineering software suite

Point cloud processing software

Retro-engineering software suite

Applications in the literature

Forest inventory measurements, plot-level wood volume estimates, optimal cutting calculation

Scan merging, forest inventory measurements, plot-level wood volume estimates

Scan merging, DBH estimates

Tree meshing


Fully automated measurements

Polyvalent platform, advanced geometrical fitting, advanced meshing

Automatic scan merging

Polyvalent platform, advanced geometrical fitting, advanced meshing


Restricted to conifer forests, restricted to forestry purposes

Semi-automated measurements, not adapted for advanced ecological purposes

Laborious measurements, not adapted for forestry / ecology

Semi-automated measurements, not adapted for advanced ecological purposes

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. d