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Fig. 6 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 6

From: Effects of age-related increases in sapwood area, leaf area, and xylem conductivity on height-related hydraulic costs in two contrasting coniferous species

Fig. 6

a Effect of section diameter (on a log. base 10 scale) on leaf-specific conductivity (LSC) and b leaf hydraulic conductance (K l) for Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine trees from different aged stands. Each point represents the mean values for each height in the trees and at the base (whole tree). Dotted triangles represent branch samples. The lines in a and b were defined by the following equations: LSC = 1.7 × 10−4 D 0.6, and K l = 0.7lnD + 3.3, respectively, where D is the organ (stem or branch) diameter in cm

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