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Table 6 Means and coefficients of variation (CV) of autocorrelation ranges by height (height 1, 6 to 30 cm; height 2, 31 to 90 cm; and height 3, 91 cm to <4 cm dbh), averaged among sites

From: Spatial coexistence of American beech and sugar maple regeneration in post-harvest northern hardwood forests


Height 1

Height 2

Height 3

American beech

3.52 a


6.95 a


8.08 a


Sugar maple

10.67 a


8.40 a


8.62 a


  1. CVs are shown in parentheses. For each row, the same letters (a) indicate mean values that were not significantly different between height classes at p ≤ 0.05, based on one-way ANOVA results of range of autocorrelation as the dependent variable and height class as the independent variable