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Table 2 Mean apoplastic ice nucleation temperature for each studied species with standard errors

From: Irreversible diameter change of wood segments correlates with other methods for estimating frost tolerance of living cells in freeze-thaw experiment: a case study with seven urban tree species in Helsinki

Tree species and cultivar

Mean freezing temperature (°C)


Early spring

Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’

−6.0 (±0.4)

−5.9 (±0.7)

Crataegus monogyna ‘Stricta’

−6.1 (±0.8)

−5.5 (±0.2)

Ginkgo biloba

−6.8 (±0.9)

−6.2 (±0.6)

Malus baccata ‘Columnaris’ + Malus baccata ‘Pyramidalis’

−4.7 (±0.7)

−6.1 (±0.3)

Pterocarya fraxinifolia

−7.3 (±1.4)

−5.5 (±1.1)

Quercus palustris

−10.3 (±0.01)

−7.5 (±1.6)

Sorbus aucuparia

−5.9 (±0.8)

−6.5 (±0.2)