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Table 1 Average projected canopy cover (PCC, %) and leaf area index (LAI) for six combinations of overstory thinning and cattle grazing treatments. Mount Horshan

From: Understory structure and function following release from cattle grazing and overstory thinning in Mediterranean conifer plantations

Thinning treatment

Grazing treatment

PCC [%]



Ungrazed 10 years

95.56 ± 2.22

3.57 ± 0.17

Ungrazed 4 years

96.34 ± 3.21

3.63 ± 0.21


94.45 ± 2.68

3.41 ± 0.38


Ungrazed 10 years

51 ± 6.7

1.61 ± 0.47

Ungrazed 4 years

44.15 ± 9.43

1.33 ± 0.33


58.33 ± 4.20

1.78 ± 0.14

  1. Non-thinned plots that were not thinned within the last 20 years, Thinned plots that were thinned within the last 20 years, Ungrazed 10 years subplots that were protected from grazing within the last 10 years, Ungrazed 4 years subplots that were protected from grazing within the last 4 years, Grazed subplots unprotected from grazing