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Fig. 4 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 4

From: Recent growth changes in Western European forests are driven by climate warming and structured across tree species climatic habitats

Fig. 4

Relationships between species BAI changes and recent climatic averages and climatic trends. a and b Relationships between species changes in stand BAI (BAIchg, period 1982–2005 in median years, 1980–2007 for the total period) and species sample averages of mean annual temperature (a) and annual precipitation (b, climate normals). c Relationships between minimal (black)/mean (grey) annual temperature changes over 1980–2007 and averages of minimal/mean annual temperatures over the same period (sample averages). d Relationships between species changes in stand BAI and recent trends in annual averages of minimum and mean temperature. Pa Picea abies, Aa Abies alba, Ps Pinus sylvestris, Fs Fagus sylvatica, Qp Quercus petraea, Qr Quercus robur, Qpu Quercus pubescens, Ph Pinus halepensis

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