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Table 3 Comparison of forest management case studies looking for robust solutions under climate change uncertainty

From: Adopting robust decision-making to forest management under climate change


McDaniels et al. (2012)

Ogden and Innes (2007)

Seidl and Lexer (2013)

Seidl et al. (2011)

McCarthy and Lindenmayer (2007)

Crowe and Parker (2008)

Decision context

Climate adaptive strategy

Climate adaptive strategy

Climate adaptive strategy

Climate adaptive strategy

Species choice

Seed source choice for regeneration

Uncertainties considered

Climate change

Climate change

Climate change; social demands

Climate change

Climate change impact on wildfire; impact of species choice on water yield; discount rate

Climate change

Uncertainty metrics “X”

Temperature; precipitation

Temperature; precipitation

Temperature; precipitation; preferences

Temperature; precipitation

Fire intervals; increase in water yield

Temperature; precipitation

Performance metrics “M”

Net economic value; non-timber values; community fire risk; ecosystem resilience

Biological diversity; productive capacity; forest health; soil and water conservation; carbon storage; socio-economic benefits

Sensitivity metrics: productivity; timber stock; carbon stock; biodiversity; disturbancesAdaptive capacity metrics: fundamental niche; silvicultural flexibility; cost intensity

Net present value of plantation establishment (including effects on water yield)

Adaptive growth variation between 2 geographic locations

Performance measurement “R”

Expert judgment (Likert scales)

Expert judgment (Likert scales)

Forest ecosystem model

Forest ecosystem model

Stochastic timber yield simulation model

Species range impact model

Alternative generation

Strategy table (4 alternatives selected)

Predefined (84)

Predefined: current strategy; adaptation strategy

Current strategy (predefined); deduced adaptation strategies (workshops)

Predefined (2 choices)

Markowitz’s portfolio theory

Decision levers “L”

Harvest measures; species composition; other silvicultural measures; fire management

Different individual adaptation measures

Species composition; rotation period; other silvicultural measures

Species composition; rotation period; other silvicultural measures

Regeneration with an exotic versus a native species

Seed sources

Sampling states of the world

3 scenarios: low/high/no change

3 scenarios: low/high/no change

3 scenarios: A1B/A2/B1 of the IPCC SRES

3 scenarios: A1B/A2/B1 of the IPCC SRES

Best estimate with interval-based uncertainty bounds

5 predefined scenarios

Robustness measure

Variability in performance (overall and of single metrics) of an alternative across states

Satisficing: minimum performance requirement fulfilled for each scenario

Variability in performance of an alternative across scenarios

Variability in performance of current strategy across scenarios

Satisficing: interval-bounded uncertainty horizon (Info-Gap)

Expected variance and covariance over scenarios