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Table 1 Examples of the effects of primary interventions used in forest management on equalising and stabilising mechanisms. The stabilising effect of each intervention is detailed in brackets

From: Managing tree species diversity and ecosystem functions through coexistence mechanisms

Management intervention

Equalising = reduces fitness differences

Stabilising = reduces interspecific competition relatively to intraspecific competition

Regeneration planting* (enrichment)

Increases the abundance of planted species

Decreases recruitment limitation of planted species

Increases species density in favourable habitats

(favouring the spatial storage effect)

Tending and thinning

Decreases overall density

Decreases the abundance of the most competitive species

Decreases the abundance of dominant species

(decreasing interspecific competition)


Decreases overall density

Modulates structural heterogeneity

Increases resource heterogeneity in space and time

(increasing spatial and temporal variations of competition)

  1. *Can also mimic immigration events when species becomes rare, which buffers species from extinction. This mechanism is not considered stabilising according to Chesson (2000b)