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Fig. 4 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 4

From: Inbreeding depression and differential maladaptation shape the fitness trajectory of two co-occurring Eucalyptus species

Fig. 4

Long-term climate patterns for the West Ridgely trial site. Shown are the 5-year moving average curves for a mean annual temperature, b mean annual precipitation, and c standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI). The grey shading corresponds to the growth period of trial (1988–2016). The red line represents the overall average for the trial site (1911–2016), the blue line represents the historical climate average prior to the detectable signature of climate change in the southern hemisphere (Abram et al. 2016) (1911–1959), the green line corresponds to the climate average often used to represent the contemporary climate (1976–2005), and the grey line corresponds to the climate average during the growth period at the trial (1988–2016)

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