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Table 2 Formulas of regression models used in the study

From: Tree and stand level estimations of Abies alba Mill. aboveground biomass

Type of models


Dependent variables (Y)

Independent variables


Site-specific tree-level models

(1) Y = a × Db

(2) Y = a + b × D2

(3) Y = a + b × log(D)

(4) Y = a + (b/D)

(5) Y = a × (D2H)b

(6) Y = a × Db × Hc

(7) Y = a + b × log(D2H)

(8) Y = a + b × D2 + c × H

(9) Y = a + b × (D2H)

(10) Y = a + b × D2 + c × H2

Biomass (dry weight) of the tree component (kg)

D—diameter (cm),

H—height (m),

D2H—pseudovolume (m3).

(Jagodziński et al., 2018a, b)

General tree-level models

(11) log(W) = a + b × log(D) + uj

(12) log(W) = a + b × log(D2H) + uj

(13) log(W) = a + b × log(D) + c × log(H) + uj

Biomass (dry weight) of the tree component (kg)

D—diameter (cm),

H—height (m),

D2H—pseudovolume (m3),

uj—random intercept for plot j.

(Forrester et al. 2017)

Stand-level models

(14) Y = a × zb

(15) Y = a + b × e−z × c

(16) Y = a + b/z

(17) Y = a + b/zc

Biomass (Mg ha−1)

BCEF (Mg m−3)

z—tree stand characteristics (stand density, height, volume or age)

(Teobaldelli et al. 2009; Wojtan et al. 2011; Jagodziński et al. 2018b)

  1. a, b, c—model parameters, e—base of the natural logarithm