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Table 3 Summary of the composition of the 752 study landscapes randomly selected across Europe

From: Changes in forest landscape patterns resulting from recent afforestation in Europe (1990–2012): defragmentation of pre-existing forest versus new patch proliferation

Forest (%)

Agriculture (%)

Agroforestry mosaics (%)

Grassland (%)

Settlement (%)

  Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

  1st Qu., 2.99

1st Qu., 1.64

1st Qu., 0.72

1st Qu., 0.00

1st Qu., 0.00

  Median, 26.49

Median, 25.99

Median, 5.49

Median, 0.41

Median, 0.00

  Mean, 37.03

Mean, 37.35

Mean, 9.32

Mean, 6.18

Mean, 0.85

  3rd Qu., 68.75

3rd Qu., 70.97

3rd Qu., 14.99

3rd Qu., 5.28

3rd Qu., 0.21

  Max., 100.00

Max., 100.00

Max., 86.30

Max., 93.63

Max., 60.78

Wetland (%)

Sparse vegetation (%)

Shrubland (%)

Bare area (%)

Water (%)

  Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

Min., 0.00

  1st Qu., 0.00

1st Qu., 0.00

1st Qu., 0.00

1st Qu., 0.00

1st Qu., 0.00

  Median, 0.00

Median, 0.00

Median, 0.00

Median, 0.00

Median, 0.00

  Mean, 2.76

Mean, 1.17

Mean, 0.52

Mean, 0.31

Mean, 2.46

  3rd Qu., 0.21

3rd Qu., 0.00

3rd Qu., 0.00

3rd Qu., 0.00

3rd Qu., 0.62

  Max., 76.65

Max., 54.27

Max., 71.88

Max., 30.38

Max., 98.76