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Fig. 2 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 2

From: Decreasing stand density favors resistance, resilience, and recovery of Quercus petraea trees to a severe drought, particularly on dry sites

Fig. 2

Structuring of the 33 correlation functions. The analyses have been performed on the significant BCC calculated from the common period 1997–2012. a Scatter plot of principal component analysis (PCA, dim 1 and 2) performed on the matrix (33 correlation functions * 24 climatic variables) (here climatic variables). P and T, Precipitation and Temperature; number of the month; p, previous month. b–d Scatter plot of principal component analysis (PCA, dim 1 and 2 with the 95% ellipse confidence) for the 33 correlation functions for each qualitative variables: b HBc (dry, mesic, wet; r2 with dim 1 and dim 2 = 0.333 and 0.362, p value = 0.002 and 0.001); c RDIc (high, medium, low); d SSc (dominant, codominant, suppressed). A complete disjunction between the 95% ellipse confidence means that the response to mean climate are different between each modality of each qualitative variable. See text for details

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