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Table 1 Question asked to analyze (i) the perceptions on the effects of climate change on forests, (ii) current practice of reforestation/afforestation, and (iii) perceptions on the importance of genetic diversity

From: Multi-actor perspectives on afforestation and reforestation strategies in Central Europe under climate change

Perceptions of climate change

  1. Do you expect changes of your conservation area due to climate change?

  2. If yes, will it have any influence on the conservation objectives?

  3. If yes, what changes are you expecting?

Current practice of reforestation/afforestation for promoting stability of forest ecosystem under climate change

  1. Do you consider planting and reforestation activities to improve forest ecosystem services, in particular, to increase forest stability in climate change?

  2. If yes, how do you select forest reproductive material?

  3. Do you take national regions of provenance into account when selecting the planting material?

  4. Have you ever used planting material in the area from other regions outside your country?

  5. If yes, why?

  6. How many plants are you selling per year?

Perceptions of genetic diversity and adaptation of national and regional policies on FRM in climate change

  1. Do you consider genetic diversity of forest trees to be important?

  2. Do you consider forest genetic diversity in your management plans?

  3. Do you feel you are well-informed about forest genetic diversity?

  4. Do you think the national legislation on seed transfer is well-adapted in times of climate change?

  5. Do you think the European legislation on seed transfer is well-adapted in times of climate change?