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Table 5 Nonparametric (Spearman) correlation coefficients (upper diagonal) and p values (lower diagonal) between some structural and competition indices calculated with available raw data and crown volumes (up, down, total). Statistically significant correlation coefficients are shown in bold

From: Single-tree crown shape and crown volume models for Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold in central Italy

  1. Acronyms: Nr.ha, number of trees per hectare; G.ha, total basal area per hectare; V.ha, standing volume per hectare; aDBH, average DBH; aH, average height of the stand; Hdom, dominant height; Sdiff, size differentiation index; QI, quadrant index; CE, Clark and Evans index; VE, vertical evenness index; Lt, Latham index; Hegyi, Hegyi index; COV, ground coverage without crown overlaps; RIC, ground coverage with crown overlaps; UCV, volume of the upper portion of the crown; LCV, volume of the lower portion of the crown; TCV, Total volume of the crown (LCV + SCV)