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Fig. 5 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 5

From: Climate change-induced background tree mortality is exacerbated towards the warm limits of the species ranges

Fig. 5

Excess probability of mortality (%) as compared to a climate change free context for the 12 species. The climate change-related excess probability of mortality is calculated as the difference between predicted values for the full model and a partial model where climate change-related effects have been set to 0. In order to assess the importance of the sole climate-change effects on tree mortality, all non-climate change-related variables were set to their mean value for all the trees of the considered species, while qualitative variables were set to their most frequent value. The upper and lower boundaries of the boxplots are the 25th and 75th percentiles and the central line is the median (see Table 1 for the corresponding species name)

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