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Fig. 1 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 1

From: Potential soil methane oxidation in naturally regenerated oak-dominated temperate deciduous forest stands responds to soil water status regardless of their age—an intact core incubation study

Fig. 1

Relationship between stand age and A stand density, B stand basal area, or C potential CH4 oxidation in the top soil layer (intact soil cores) in fall 2018 (close circles), spring 2019 (open circles) and summer 2019 (close triangles) in 16 neighbouring stands of sessile oak, aged 20 to 143 years. In panel A and B, the solid lines show the fitted non-linear models: a power function for the relation between stand density and age (R2 = 0.95, p < 0.001), and a three-parameter lognormal function for the relation between stand basal area and age (R2 = 0.56, p < 0.001). There was no significant trend between CH4 oxidation and age, regardless of season. Numbers are the ID of the stands, from youngest to oldest (shown only once in C, in summer 2019 for the three additional youngest stands added late and in fall 2018 for the 13 older stands)

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