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Table 1 Area estimates used to calculate the various NFI indicators; PCi indicate the plant cover (plant species or group i), CC the canopy cover, and A the forest area (ha), in region j

From: Identification and spatial extent of understory plant species requiring vegetation control to ensure tree regeneration in French forests



ACC ≤ 100, j

Total forest area, in all canopy cover conditions (CC ≤ 100%)

\({A}_{P{C}_i>0, CC\le 100,j}\)

Forest area where plant group or species i was present (PC > 0%) in all canopy cover conditions (CC ≤ 100%)

\({A}_{P{C}_i>50, CC\le 100,j}\)

Forest area where plant cover of group or species i was high (PC > 50%) in all canopy cover conditions (CC ≤ 100%)

ACC < 50, j

Forest area where canopy cover was less than 50% (CC < 50%)

\({A}_{PC_i>0, CC<50,j}\)

Forest area where plant group or species i was present (PC > 0%) and canopy cover was less than 50% (CC < 50%)

\({A}_{PC_i>50, CC<50,j}\)

Forest area where plant cover of group or species i was high (PC > 50%) and canopy cover was less than 50% (CC < 50%)