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Table 1 Means of growth ratios for beech poles submitted to different treatments (mean ± standard deviation; n = 9)

From: No matter how much space and light are available, radial growth distribution in Fagus sylvatica L. trees is under strong biomechanical control

Growth ratios


Differences between treatments (p value)









Axial growth

0.93 (± 0.009)

0.88 (± 0.19)

0.83 (± 0.14)

0.86 (± 0.21)


Root radial growth

1.87 (± 0.38)

1.24 (± 0.29)

0.71 (± 0.11)

0.39 (± 0.08)

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

Volume increment

2.26 (± 0.45)

1.58 (± 0.24)

0.97 (± 0.11)

0.66 (± 0.10)

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

 < 0.0001

  1. The ratio of axial growth is the axial growth 4 years after treatment related to the axial growth 4 years prior to treatment. The ratio of root ring width is the root ring width 4 years after treatment related to the root ring width 4 years prior to treatment. The ratio of volume increment is the volume increment in the stem below the guy-wiring point 4 years after treatment related to the volume increment in the stem below the guy-wiring point 4 years prior to treatment. Ratios are dimensionless; a ratio of 1 means growth was unchanged. TF Thinned trees free to sway, TG Thinned and guy-wired trees, uTF Unthinned trees free to sway, uTG Unthinned and guy-wired trees. P values refer to Tukey test results