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Table 3 Taxonomic groups/guilds, important structural variables and a description of forest stands in which the highest species richness of individual TGs can be found

From: Linking structure and species richness to support forest biodiversity monitoring at large scales

Taxonomic/functional group/guild

Correlations with structural variables


Vascular plants

DBHq (−), DBHsd (−), SRreg (+), Vol40 (−)

Species richness high in even-aged forest stands with higher light availability at the forest floor: therefore, Species richness higher in managed than unmanaged stands, low in beech-dominated stands

Herbs (subset of vascular plants)

DBHq (−), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), SRreg (+), Vol40 (−)

Species richness high in even-aged coniferous-dominated stands, more species in managed than in unmanaged stands (owing to light availability at the forest floor and disturbances), high species numbers in spruce stands/ limestone and in pine stands/ sandy soil, low numbers in beech-dominated stands

Epiphytic bryophytes

DBHq (+), DBHsd (−), Vol40 (+)

Species richness high in old forest stands, most species in beech-dominated stands, vertically structured stands are too dark

Lignicolous bryophytes

DBHsd (−), Heightsd (−), SRreg (+), DW downed (+)

Species richness high in even-aged stands with a tree species-rich regeneration and downed deadwood, vertically structured stands are too dark

Terricolous bryophytes

DBHq (−), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), SRreg (+), Vol40 (−), Bark (−), Flower (−), DW standing (−), Decay classes (−), SR (−)

Species richness high in young and even-aged stands with a tree species-rich regeneration

Epiphytic lichens

DBHq (+), SR (+), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−)

Species richness high in old and species-rich, even-aged stands, more species in unmanaged than in managed stands

Lignicolous lichens

DBHq (−), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), SRreg (−), Vol40 (−), Decay classes (−)

Species richness high in young and even-aged stands with a tree species-rich regeneration

Fungi (deadwood inhabiting)

DBHsd (+), HEIGHTsd (+), SR (+), DW downed (+), Decay classes (+)

Species richness high in species-rich and vertically structured forest stands with downed deadwood and different deadwood decay classes

Fungi (soil/root-associated)


Not captured by applied forest structure variables

Araneae (ground-dwelling)

DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), Vol40 (−)

Species richness high in even-aged young forest stands

Araneae (vegetation)

DBHsd (+), HEIGHTsd (+), Vol40 (+), SR (+), Bark (+), Flower (+)

Species richness high in tree species-rich and vertically structured forest stands with regeneration and herbs

Coleoptera (carnivorous)

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), SRreg (+), Vol40 (+), Bark (−)

Species richness high in uneven-aged, old forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Coleoptera (herbivorous)

DBHq (+), SRreg (+)

Species richness high in old forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Coleoptera (saproxylic)

DBHq (+), Vol40 (+)

Species richness high in old forest stands with large trees

Coleoptera (detritivorous without deadwood)

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), SR (+), HEIGHTsd (+), SRreg (+)

Species richness high in tree species-rich, old and vertically structured forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Coleoptera (ground dwelling)

DBHq (+), SRreg (+)

Species richness high in old forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Coleoptera (herb-layer)

SRreg (+)

Species richness high in forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Coleoptera (tree-layer)

DBHq (+), Vol40 (+), DBHsd (+), SRreg (+), Bark (−)

Species richness high in old forest stands with large trees and species-rich regeneration

Hemiptera (carnivorous)

DBHq (+), DW standing (+), Decay classes (+)

Species richness high in old forest stands with standing deadwood and different deadwood decay classes

Hemiptera (herbivorous)

DBHq (+), SRreg (+), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−)

Species richness high in old and even-aged forest stands with species-rich regeneration

Hemiptera (ground dwelling)

DBHq (−), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), Vol40 (−), Bark (−), Flower (−), DW standing (−)

Species richness high in young and even-aged forest stands without standing deadwood

Hemiptera (herb-layer)

DBHq (+), SRreg (+), Decay classes (+), DW standing (+), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−), Flower (−)

Species richness high in old and even-aged forest stands with species-rich regeneration, standing deadwood and different deadwood decay classes

Hemiptera (tree-layer)

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), HEIGHTsd (+), Vol40 (+), Bark (+), Flower (+), DW downed (+), Decay classes (+), SR (+)

Species richness high in species-rich old and uneven-aged forest stands with downed deadwood and different deadwood decay classes

Coleoptera/Hemiptera (saproxylic)

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), SRreg (+), Vol40 (+)

Species richness high in old and uneven-aged stands with large trees and a species-rich regeneration

Ants (Formicidae)

Vol40 (−), Bark (+), DBHsd (−), HEIGHTsd (−)

Species richness high in young and even-aged forest stands, especially Scots pine-(1), mixed beech (2) and oak-dominated forest stands (3). Norway spruce-dominated stands likely too dark and cold, temperature and light availability on forest floor important (therefore managed better than unmanaged stands)

Bark Beetles (Scolytinae)

Bark (+), Flower (+)

Species richness high in forest stands with high diversity of bark structure

Bark Beetles Antagonists

Vol40(+), Bark (+), Flower (+), DW standing (−), SR (+)

Species richness high in tree species-rich forest stands with different types of bark structures, flowering trees and large trees

Small mammals


Not captured by applied forest structure variables

Aves (birds)a

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), HEIGHTsd (+), SR (+), Bark (+), Flower (+), DW standing (+), DW downed (+), Decay classes (+), Vol40 (+)

Species richness high in old, species-rich and structurally rich forests stands with standing and downed deadwood

Microchiroptera (bats)a

DBHq (+), DBHsd (+), SRreg (−), Vol40 (+), Bark (−), Flower (−)

Species richness high in species poor old uneven-aged forest stands

Sum of TGsb

DBHq (+), SRreg (+), DW downed (+)

Species richness high in old stands with a species-rich regeneration and downed deadwood

  1. (+) indicates a positive and (−) a negative correlation between structural variables and the species richness within TGs, which is based on correlations provided in the Supplement 1 and discussed and assessed with experts of the German biodiversity exploratories project for its general validity
  2. DBHq quadratic mean diameter at breast height (DBH), DBHsd standard deviation of the DBH (for trees with a DBH ≥ 7 cm), HEIGHTsd standard deviation of the tree height (for trees with a DBH ≥ 7 cm), SRreg species richness of the regeneration layer, Vol40 volume per hectare of trees with a DBH ≥ 40 cm, Bark diversity of bark-types (for more information see Storch et al. 2018), Flower diversity of flowering trees (for more information see Storch et al. 2018), DW standing mean diameter at breast height of standing dead trees, DW downed mean diameter in the middle of downed deadwood, Decay classes number of decay classes, SR species richness of trees with a DBH ≥ 7 cm
  3. aResults verified only by literature
  4. bResult not verified