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Table 1 Mean percentage bias (Pbias) and standard deviation (SD) values for the plots used for validation of DBH, height, basal area, and volume, as well as the mean of all four biases

From: Under storm risk, economic productivity of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) in monoculture shows sharper decline than in mixture with European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)



Height %

BA %

Volume %

Mean %

Spruce Pbias

+ 1.0

+ 13.0

+ 4.2

− 2.5

+ 3.9

Spruce SD






Beech Pbias

+ 3.3

+ 6.7

− 28.3

− 26.5

+ 11.2

Beech SD






Douglas fir Pbias

+ 3.5

+ 10.6

− 24.6

− 5.7

− 4.0

Douglas fir SD






Larch Pbias

+ 5.6

+ 8.8

+ 21.1

+ 31.7

+ 16.8

Larch SD






Silver fir Pbias

+ 9.2

+ 2.1

+ 84

+ 13.0

+ 8.2

Silver fir SD






Pine Pbias

− 3.3

− 7.4

+ 4.5

− 23.6

− 7.4

Pine SD






Oak Pbias

+ 7.4

− 18.5

+ 2.4

− 20.8

− 7.4

Oak SD




