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Fig. 3 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 3

From: Forest age and topographic position jointly shape the species richness and composition of vascular plants in karstic habitats

Fig. 3

Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) for the plots of dolines (a all plots and b plots of classes 1, 3, and 4) with some important diagnostic species of the topographic positions of the forest age classes (see Table 3). Abbreviations for species are as follows: Cal_epi, Calamagrostis epigejos; Car_dig, Carex digitata; Car_pil, Carex pilosa; Car_bul, Cardamine bulbifera; Cir_lut, Circaea lutetiana; Gal_odo, Galium odoratum; Hed_hel, Hedera helix; Lam_mac, Lamium maculatum; Mel_uni, Melica uniflora; Oxa_ace, Oxalis acetosella; Par_qua, Paris quadrifolia; Rub_hir, Rubus hirtus agg.; Sam_nig, Sambucus nigra; Urt_dio, Urtica dioica; Ver_mon, Veronica montana; Ver_hed, Veronica hederifolia; Vin_min, Vinca minor; Vio_rei, Viola reichenbachiana

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