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Table 3 Check list for operating procedure validation

From: Composition and structure of Mediterranean shrublands for fuel characterization

1. Pre-field work

 Check the locality suitability using available geographic information

 Check the ownership

 Find the best access to the plot locality

 Collect the material for plot set-up and sampling

 Print the field datasheets and cartography if necessary

 Check the correctness of coordinates in the GPS

2. Field work

Plot localization and general description

  Find the location using GPS

  Check the suitability of the locality or reject it and move to a new one

  Plot and transect set-up

  Fill the general information (date, plot id, Forest rangers id)

  Annotate the coordinates and datum of each plot corner

  Mark each transect vertex with a wooden stake

  Take general photographs of the plot and of each transect

  Annotate the reference of each image in the datasheet

Plot and transect measurements

  Annotate per strata the visual characterization of plot structure

  Annotate per strata the visual characterization of the structure in each 20 1-m2 in the transect

  Annotate the species name and crown diameters and height of each woody individual in each 20 1-m2 in the transect

  Take photographs of plants from which the species name is unknown

  Check that all the information is recorded in the datasheets

3. Post-field work

 Upload the field data to the database in the share-point

 Upload scanned field datasheets and photographs

 Download the information and check it with field datasheets

 Archive field data sheets