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Correction to: Climate warming-induced replacement of mesic beech by thermophilic oak forests will reduce the carbon storage potential in aboveground biomass and soil

The Original Article was published on 15 October 2021

Correction to: Ann For Sci 78, 89 (2021)

Following publication of the original article (Kasper et al., 2021), the following errors were reported. The original article (Kasper et al., 2021) has been corrected.

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Correction (changed text is supplied in bold)


Figure 1 caption, final sentence

The color of the dots indicates the mean temperature of the warmest quarter (BIO10, upper panels) and the mean precipitation of the warmest quarter (BIO18, lower panels) of the inventory and soil plots according to interpolation from the CHELSA climate data base (Karger et al., 2017)


Figure 2 caption, final sentence

The climate data were extracted from the CHELSA climate data base (Karger et al., 2017)


2.3 Forest inventories and dominant tree species

log(v) = a+ a1 × log(DBH) + a2 × log(DBH)2

+ a3 × log(h) × a4 × log(h)2


2.4 Soil sampling and laboratory methods, first paragraph

“Black dots” should be replaced with “black stars”


2.4 Soil sampling and laboratory methods, fourth paragraph

To obtain soil data for the stand inventory plots, the soil data from the 13–15 pits per transect were interpolated using weighted means i.e. the influence of neighboring pits weighted by the inversed squared distance of the soil pits to the inventory plots (for soil chemical raw data see Table 7 in the Appendix).


3.1 Aboveground carbon, soil organic carbon and nutrient pools in the different forest types

Table 7 refers to chemical raw soil data and not aboveground carbon pool (AGC). It should be removed and is now referenced at the end of section 2.4 “Soil sampling and laboratory methods”


3.1 Aboveground carbon, soil organic carbon and nutrient pools in the different forest types, second paragraph

We found no significant differences in the mineral soil pool of available P and organic layer total P pool between the beech forests and the other forest types, yet transect C exhibited elevated levels of available P in the soil of the beech forests (Fig. 4 and Appendix Fig. 8).


Figure 5 caption

For variable units of climate, forest stand, organic layer and soil, see Table 2 and for full names with explanations Table 11 in Appendix.


3.3 Relatedness of the beech-oak index to aboveground biomass carbon, soil carbon and nutrient stocks, second paragraph

The linear models show consistently for all three transects that AGC and SOC decrease from the beech-dominated to the oak-dominated forests, despite differences in the climatic, edaphic and stand structural characteristics between the transects (Fig. 6). Despite this uniform trend, the absolute size of carbon pools was significantly different between transects, with transect B having the largest AGC pool and transect A the highest SOC pool (Fig. 6).


Table 5

Sampling intensity (%) column, 076 should be 0.76

Sampled area (m2) column, commas have been removed


Appendix, Fig. 11, 12 and 13

These figures have been removed and are not mentioned in the article.


  • Kasper J, Weigel R, Walentowski H, Gröning A, Petritan AM, Leuschner C (2021) Climate warming-induced replacement of Mesic beech by thermophilic oak forests will reduce the carbon storage potential in aboveground biomass and soil. Ann For Sci 78(4):89.

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Correspondence to Jan Kasper.

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Kasper, J., Weigel, R., Walentowski, H. et al. Correction to: Climate warming-induced replacement of mesic beech by thermophilic oak forests will reduce the carbon storage potential in aboveground biomass and soil. Annals of Forest Science 79, 8 (2022).

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