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Fig. 7 | Annals of Forest Science

Fig. 7

From: Canopy gap impacts on soil organic carbon and nutrient dynamic: a meta-analysis

Fig. 7

The random-forest analysis to identify the main predictors of the response ratios of SOC content (a, b) and nutrient availability (c, d, e). The percent increase in mean squared errors (% IncMSE) represents the importance of main predictors, and negative values of % IncMSE, which indicate a lack of importance, are not shown. MAT, mean annual air temperature; MAP, mean annual precipitation; Corg, soil organic carbon; Nt, total nitrogen; Pt, total phosphorus; C:N, the ratio of soil organic carbon to total nitrogen; NH4+, ammonium; NO3−, nitrate; available phosphorus, available P; Hy-EEAs, hydrolases-extracellular enzymes activities; Ox-EEAs, oxidoreductases-extracellular enzymes activities; Cmic, microbial biomass carbon; Nmic, microbial biomass nitrogen; Pmic microbial biomass phosphorus

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